Meet the Collector: @myharrypottercorner

Meet the Collector: @myharrypottercorner

Attention Potterheads! We’re proud to bring you a special interview with Hector, the creator behind the Instagram account @myharrypottercorner. A photographer by profession and a collector by heart, he’s been amassing rare Harry Potter memorabilia from all corners of the wizarding universe. Read on to find out how he started collecting, the unique items he’s acquired, and the importance of the Harry Potter fandom.

When and how did you start collecting?

Once I started making adult money, it was game over! In fact, I started collecting more seriously in recent years after launching my Instagram profile.

What sort of things do you collect?

Since I have very limited space, I only collect things I absolutely adore. Mostly, I love collecting rare vintage items or higher-end collectibles.

What do you love most about Harry Potter and the whole Wizarding World?

I love the collecting aspect, and of course, the items themselves, but the friendships I made within the Potter community are hands down the best part of the whole thing!

Which Harry Potter book is your favorite? And while we’re at it: which movie?

My favorite book is the first one (the Sorcerer’s Stone or Philosopher’s Stone, depending on where you grew up 😛) because of the nostalgia of how it all started. My favorite film is, hands down, The Prisoner of Azkaban! I love the way that this movie altered the style of the series and made the world look more real and true to the books.

Which character is your favorite and the one you can relate to the most?

My favorite character is Hermione, but I definitely don’t relate to her. I can relate more to Luna because of her carefree and easy-going personality. She’s not afraid to be different.

Which item in your collection is most special to you and why?

I have a promo wand that was given out at the premiere of the first film. This wand is the first official wand ever produced by WB and is made of real wood, so it’s highly valuable. These wands were given out to children, so finding one in perfect condition is really hard to come by. Knowing children, it also means that there are probably not many of these wands left out there 😛

Do you have any weird/super rare items in your collection?

Aside from that promo wand, I also have a few other pieces in my collection that are very rare. Most of them are movie promo items, which were not available to the public for purchase but given to fans at premieres and such.

What’s the best part about being a collector?

To me, it’s the rush and joy of getting to collect things that make you happy. I love collecting ONLY what I truly love, so I don’t collect everything with a Harry Potter stamp on it. Aside from collecting, there’s always the other collectors that you build friendships with and are always great to talk about these nerdy things with or share and talk about other things you’re excited about.

How do you organize your collection?

I use bookshelves that take up the majority of my office, and they have worked for me nicely over the years! I try to have themed shelves, but most of the time, I just organize them by what looks good to my eye at the moment. I’m ALWAYS switching things up as much as I can in my very limited space.

Do you have any Displates in your collection? If yes, what do you like the most about them?

Yes!! I recently received some, and I am obsessed with the quality and how much of a statement they are!

Looking for Harry Potter wall art to add some magic to your home? Check our officially licensed Wizarding World posters printed on metal and mounted on magnets—wicked!

Anything else you would like to share?

Thank you so much for having me and featuring me and my collection! Make sure to follow all my socials @myharrypottercorner for more magical content!

All photos used in this post are © @myharrypottercorner, used with permission.