A Letter From The Editor: 15 Years of Booooooom!

A Letter From The Editor: 15 Years of Booooooom!

It’s now been 15 years since Booooooom began! 15 YEARS! It’s hard to believe. Super huge high-fives and big hugs to all our members and supporters who have stuck with us and given us the freedom to continue to try new things. We really value your feedback, so please let us know what we can do better.

The last thing I want to talk about is that starting June 1st, we will be increasing our membership fees for new members. If you are an existing member, this will not affect you at all. We always want to be honest with you about what’s going on. Some of the plans we have in the works will require some more help and the costs of running this site are steadily increasing (like everything else in the world). I want to emphasize that there will be no price increase for existing members (and anyone who wants to join or reactivate an account before June 1st). We are still working on what the increase will be, but expect a small change on monthly and yearly memberships.

Thanks for reading all of this, hopefully it gives you a better idea of all the things we have going on! If you’re an artist or photographer and wanna take part in the upcoming opportunities, come try out our membership! If you don’t make things but you still wanna show your support for Booooooom, grab a t-shirt or a book! All of it helps us keep doing what we love—helping creators do what they love.

— Jeff Hamada, Editor-In-Chief