BSA Film Friday: 05.05.23

BSA Film Friday: 05.05.23

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Our weekly focus on the moving image and art in the streets. And other oddities.

Now screening:
1. Kukeri/ A Bulgarian Dance Tradition at Everyday Icons

2. Merch Alien Graffiti Via Superchief Gallery

3. Indecency Is Turning Love Into Hate. Via Indecline

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BSA Special Feature: Kukeri/ A Bulgarian Dance Tradition at Everyday Icons

And you thought it all came from Nick Cave, didn’t you? Here we are, confronted with the form. This piece reveals the sublimely surreal essence of humans and magicians and the spirit of creativity versus the evil spirits.

“Once a year, the Bulgarian tradition of Kukeri unites a small village as residents wear intricate masks and costumes and dance at night. Killian Lassablière chronicles the practice in his short documentary.”


Merch Alien Graffiti Via Superchief Gallery

Aliens don’t get enough props in the graff game. A little preview of a work in progress with MERCH and Coolinternetdude.

Indecency Is Turning Love Into Hate. Via Indecline

Here’s InDecline giving Nashville the business with a billboard takeover that stands up for something. It’s a pleasure to see street artists using their power of activism to draw attention to topics they care about and that impact people – rather than simply selling a product or their latest print or exhibition.

In other news, “ICYMI: Governor Lee Signed Tennessee’s Fourth Anti-Transgender Sports Ban into Law; Making it the State’s 15th Anti-LGBTQ+ Law Since 2015