Thousands Join ‘Stand Up for Science’ Events Throughout the U.S. and Worldwide

Thousands Join ‘Stand Up for Science’ Events Throughout the U.S. and Worldwide

# Rise for Science: A Worldwide Rally Against Anti-Scientific Policies

On **March 7, 2025**, countless scientists, federal employees, researchers, and advocates converged in **Washington, D.C.**, as well as globally for the **Rise for Science** event. Protesters gathered at the **Lincoln Memorial**, merely blocks from the U.S. Senate, to express their dissent against extensive **budget reductions**, **censorship of research**, and **large-scale layoffs** in science-focused government entities during the **Trump administration**.

With nearly **30 demonstrations throughout the U.S.** and a total of **150 protests worldwide**, the event highlighted the urgent need to safeguard **scientific integrity, research funding**, and **evidence-driven policies**. From small academic circles to major urban areas, the movement illustrated a consolidated stance against policies jeopardizing advancements in **healthcare, climate research, and technology**.

### The Struggle Against Science Suppression

Researchers and supporters at the protest articulated worries regarding the **ongoing anti-scientific outlook of the Trump administration**, which has severely impacted various federal organizations, including:

– **The National Institutes of Health (NIH)** – Budget cuts threatening medical innovation.
– **The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)** – Decreased oversight and deficits in climate research funding.
– **The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)** – Reduced investment in climate monitoring initiatives.

These reductions, coupled with escalating **political meddling in scientific research**, sparked a **significant public outcry**—a rare phenomenon in the scientific community, which generally shies away from political engagement.

### A Movement with Historical Origins

The **Rise for Science** event bears strong similarities to the **March for Science** rallies of **2017**, which emerged as a reaction to anti-science strategies from the initial Trump presidency. Numerous **Rise for Science** organizers collaborated with earlier protest leaders to guarantee the demonstration’s success.

The vital role of science in shaping legislation and public health policies was continually reiterated, focusing on **reinstating terminated federal workers** and **restoring research financing** that had been slashed under previous budget measures.

### Voices of the Movement

The **Rise for Science** rally showcased **over a dozen influential speakers**, encompassing scientists, politicians, and advocates spanning across political divides. Some of the most memorable addresses included:

– **Bill Nye (“The Science Guy”)** – A renowned champion for science education who has voiced concerns about the hazards of hindering scientific inquiry.
– **Bill Foster**, the Democratic Representative from Illinois and **the sole physicist in Congress**, who remarked:
> “Why do [scientists] take the truth so seriously? I think it’s because we operate on the edge of what is known. And so we cannot tolerate the additional uncertainty of whether the person presenting the data is actually lying.”
– **Francis Collins**, the former NIH Director, who condemned the Trump administration’s treatment of scientific institutions:
> “While moving fast and breaking things might be an appropriate mantra for Silicon Valley, a better mantra for the decisions that potentially disrupt an institution with a stunningly positive track record that affects the future health of the nation, let’s go with ‘first do no harm.’”

### A Unified Call for Science Advocacy

While the **Lincoln Memorial** served as the backdrop for one of the largest demonstrations, **equivalent events took place across the U.S. and around the globe**. From **New York and Chicago to Berlin and Sydney**, protesters came together to demand safeguarding for the **scientific process**, **environmental protections**, and **transparency in research**.

This worldwide response emphasizes a **common urgency**—science is a collective endeavor, and its repression in any nation can have severe repercussions for global progress.

### The Path Forward

As the push for research funding and **unfettered scientific exploration** persists, organizers hope the Rise for Science movement will compel **lawmakers and policymakers** to take **pro-science measures**. Key demands of the movement include reinstating funding, **rehiring laid-off scientists**, and ensuring **policy choices are informed by evidence rather than ideology**.

For those interested in **participating**, the **Rise for Science** organization offers resources for advocacy, petitions to endorse, and news on policy developments.

### **Become Part of the Movement**

🔬 **Visit:** [RiseForScience2025.org](https://riseforscience2025.org/)
📲 **Follow on Instagram:** [@RiseForScience2025](https://www.instagram.com/riseforscience2025/)
💬 **Join the discussion on Bluesky:** [Rise for Science](https://bsky.app/profile/riseforscience.bsky.social)
📢 **Engage on TikTok and Facebook for real-time updates and advocacy**