“Fresh Stamp Series Showcases the Splendor of At-Risk Species”

“Fresh Stamp Series Showcases the Splendor of At-Risk Species”

### Revisiting Creative Legacies: Tùng Nâm’s *Endangered Species Stamp Collection*

The allure of art lies in its aesthetics as well as its capacity to transmit significant messages that surpass time. **Tùng Nâm**, a graphic designer and illustrator based in Hanoi, also known as **Lâm Tùng Nguyễn**, embodies this concept in his remarkable endeavor—the *Endangered Species Stamp Collection*. Initially conceived almost a decade ago as part of an internship application, this collection retains its relevance and emotional impact today, illuminating ongoing environmental concerns. Recently, in acknowledgment of the enduring significance of this work, Nâm has revisited and enhanced his designs, reintroducing them to the public.

### Highlighting a Crisis: Art Meets Advocacy

The *Endangered Species Stamp Collection* features artistic representations of 15 species of animals that are currently facing extinction. Nâm’s purpose is evident: to highlight the intrinsic beauty of these animals while raising awareness about their vulnerable status. By focusing on the biodiversity at risk throughout Vietnam, the collection creatively conveys a serious message—these species, from majestic mammals to fragile birds, are each threatened with extinction in the near future.

In his own words, Tùng Nâm articulates the project as his “special illustration venture to promote awareness aimed at safeguarding species in Vietnam that are at significant risk of becoming extinct soon.” For him, this initiative transcends mere design; it aims to catalyze dialogue and action surrounding environmental preservation.

Each species illustrated on the stamps faces universal threats such as:

– **Habitat destruction** resulting from deforestation and urban growth,
– **Poaching** and illegal wildlife trafficking, spurred by the demand for animal products,
– **Climate change**, which disrupts ecosystems and natural environments.

The false sense of permanence we often associate with these species is transient, and this artwork serves as a reminder to viewers that immediate action is necessary to avert irreversible losses.

### The Low-Poly Style: A Blend of Geometry and Animation

At the core of Nâm’s captivating designs is a **geometric, low-poly style** that merges two seemingly contrasting elements: simplicity and intricacy. Low-poly art, defined by its use of polygon shapes, simplifies subjects into detailed, sharp-edged forms that still express depth and nuance—in this instance, the elegance and magnificence of endangered species.

Embellished with **vibrant color palettes** and **detailed patterns**, Nâm’s stamps provide a modern, even futuristic feel to the classic charm of postage stamps while remaining firmly anchored in traditional conservation themes. These visual components enhance the overall aesthetic quality of the stamps, portraying each animal as both noble and delicate—an apt metaphor for their real-world conditions.

Among the species highlighted are:

– **Olive Ridley Sea Turtle** (*Lepidochelys olivacea*): A small yet tenacious sea turtle known for its large synchronized nesting events.
– **Red-Masked Vietnamese Pheasant** (*Lophura hatinhensis*): A rare bird endemic to Vietnam’s forests, featuring striking black plumage contrasted by its vivid red mask.
– **Asian Tiger** (*Panthera tigris tigris*): An iconic endangered species, this majestic tiger symbolizes the grave dangers of poaching and habitat loss.

Each stamp also incorporates the **Latin scientific name** of the species along with the year of its official classification, further anchoring the collection in both artistic and academic accuracy, while providing viewers with information that underscores the biological importance of these declining populations.

### The Legacy of Stamps as Cultural Artifacts

Postage stamps have historically been significant cultural, political, and historical artifacts. They have been utilized to honor holidays, national milestones, and vital global issues. Through this collection, Nâm transforms the artistic format of stamps into a **tool for activism**, leveraging his role as both a designer and an advocate for wildlife conservation. In an age often characterized by social media, Nâm’s use of stamps as a medium to convey this message adds a nostalgic dimension to a contemporary context.

These stamps extend beyond mere utility and engage with both artistry and function, delivering a broader social commentary. They remind us how even a small printed square—something we might overlook briefly—can serve as a powerful reminder of the real-world challenges we encounter today.

### Raising Awareness Through Art

Indeed, Tùng Nâm is well aware of the influence of design in social and environmental issues. Through this collection, he aspires to evoke both empathy and proactive measures. By fostering a conversation that intertwines the past with modern challenges, his artwork resonates not only within the creative sector but also with conservationists and everyday viewers.

In a world where numerous species are succumbing to extinction, Tùng Nâm’s work highlights a pivotal reality: these animals are vanishing at an alarming pace, and we can no longer afford to distance ourselves from the crisis.